
Recent Blue Update (2/2)

This post will focus on hints that 3.2 is being developed rather quickly. Here are some blue quotes:

Blue Poster
# 8 - Can we have more info on Isle of Conquest? - June 5, 2009, 1:35 pm

Q u o t e:
Location? Server only?

I need more information the quicker the better.

We're working on putting together some more information for players on Isle of Conquest. It can take some time to get everything put together if we want to try and give some visuals, as we need to make sure all art assets are there.

It is a battleground and will be a part of the cross-realm battleground system just like all others.

Somebody save me from your proud words. I’ll fight the worry in your head.

Feels like someone else inside’s looking out for us.

Blue Poster
# 18 - Animation preview - June 5, 2009, 2:41 pm

Q u o t e:

Please link your source thanks, as i guess i missed were they say this ... Also is it really hard to make a quick video of a model walking seriously... and i think you should also cut your wrist remember to go down the lane not across the street...


What Tatsumasa said is essentially correct, aside from the "shut up and like it" part. I never said that. ;)

We're working on text and photo previews for much of the content that will be available in the next major content patch. Each preview takes a great deal of time to prepare, as they generally require coordination with multiple different departments (i.e. art team, development, creative development, community, public relations, web, and so on), and each of these departments have large lists of tasks to work on nearly all the time. In addition, these previews require coordination with all of our international teams, including textual translations into all of our supported languages.

It is for this reason that we do not plan on providing videos of the animated new form art. These forms will be available for testing on the public test realms in due time.

Somebody save me from your proud words. I’ll fight the worry in your head.

Feels like someone else inside’s looking out for us.

Blue Poster
# 1881 - New Druid Art Coming Soon - June 5, 2009, 12:40 am

Q u o t e:
Can we please see these animated? I'm reserving judgment about them until then as it is extremely difficult to judge a model based on static screenshots.

We do not plan to release any animations of the new form art, but the test realms will be coming soon enough so everyone can play around with them. :)

Somebody save me from your proud words. I’ll fight the worry in your head.

Feels like someone else inside’s looking out for us.

So the PTRs aren't merely coming "soon", they're coming "soon enough", which I think is Blizzard-speak for "really coming soon". I mean, if you look at past content patches I think you'd find that the kinds of previews we're getting now and in the near future for 3.2 come not long before the patch hits the PTRs. I think there's an accumulating body of evidence lending itself towards the theory that Blizzard is planning on having 3.2 go live sooner than most people expect.

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